The Central Library "G.Boaga" guarantees all users of the Sapienza's Library System access to the reading room, it also guarantees access to paper and electronic collections through the online catalogue, complete with all data on our bibliographic assets.
The library dispenses all users services in the respect of law, equality, continuity, and regularly communicating any alteration or interruption and taking care of solving problems as soon as possible.
It guarantees information about activities, offered services, access procedures, keeping the website and the library's page.
The library uses softwares bought from the University to manage the flow of documents.
Users of our library are:
The library is open to the public from Monday to Friday 9,00-20,00. Services ends at 18,50 when materials that are under consultation should be given back. Until 20,00 the reading room and the wifi are available.
During festive days and saturdays the library is closed. During the Summer and Christmas period opening hours could suffer reductions. There's also a closure period of three weeks in August.
Opening hours and access to services are in the SBS'S page and on the website.
Any eventual hour reduction will be communicated immediately on the website, on the Facebook page, and on the bulletin board in the physical library.
Offered services from the library are:
The service of consultation is open to all institutional users and external users who have been authorized , during all opening hours. To consult volumes that have collacation ANT OR VET (antique and rare assets) you need to make a request via mail to the library's staff, these volumes are taken exclusively on Tuesday and Thursday morning before the opening hours, because they are located in the upper part of the reading room.
Consultations are registered in the system as well as borrowed books.
To use services offered by the library , the user has to sign up a form in which he gives personal data and a valid document of identity. Consecutively he will receive a registration code to use for services. The student will have to bring the card, received during the initial enrolment in the university, in which it will be applied a tag for the RFID technology.
Only members of the Sapienza's community (students, professors, researchers, technical and administrative staff) are entitled to borrow items from the library, however they can also be borrowed by outsiders authourised by the library's direction.
Loan period lasts 15 days, with the possibility to renew for another 10 days, if no one else asked for the same book, and if the renewal request has been asked before the end of the initial loan expiration. The system sends an email few days before the expiration date.
If you fail to comply these rules, you will be suspended from borrowing books.
According to the library's regulations there are sections of materials that cannot be borrowed. Like periodicals, and all the books that have collocations that starts with CONS, ANT(antique assets) e VET(rare assets)
Borrowed items are registered in the system via xfid system.
Availability of the books is clearly specified in the online catalogue.
Some items cannot be borrowed like:
Legal gurantees of the material used during services
Duties and fine sanctions, when the user fails to comply the library's rules (delay of the returning items, damages, or missing items borrowed)
Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery:
The library uses functions, which are present in centralized systems for borrowing, interlibrary loan and document delivery.
For users of the library borrowing services and document delivery are free, if those documents are owned by libraries that agree to have a mutual free transaction. If the other library does only loans with fees involved then the user will be charged.
Users can ask for documents that are not in Sapienza's libraries, by accessing the interlibrary service, prior registration to the services of the library. The maximum number of items allowed simultaneously is three volumes.
For document delivery the maximum number of copies allowed is five.
The accepted payment methods are indicated in the library's website here
Each parcel will be sent via registered mail, and HAS to be SENT BACK via registered mail.
The library offers to its users assistance and consulence to retrieve informations and documents.
On line catalogue
The library has activated online services on Opac, in this way every user can access to their personal space, reserve volumes, register searches, examine their own situation of borrowed books, reservations and suggestions of new purchases.
Didactic services
The library works together with teachers in order to provide students, with didactic materials, related to exams and thesis. It is also available to students, from Civil and Industrial Engineering and Information Engineering, Informatics and Statistics, an e-learning course on B1 and B2 english.
Making a copy
It is possible to photocopy the material in the limits of the current regulations (which is arounf 15% of the book)
The prestigious material, can be copy, only if allowed by the Manager of the library, within regulations limits as well.
Research Services
The library takes part to cooperative projects about open access and activities about diffusion of information, and quality control of the data.